

It's May 2016 now.  May means a lot to me.  Our daughter Caralina is a May baby and so was Nelly Madison...and these two are how it all started.

Rewind 8 months.  Change had come to our household.  (It's always so sneaky!)  Decisions had been made and I was 6 weeks away from "something new" career wise.  I began cleaning out my office to clear my thoughts... Caralina walked in and asked me her usual..."what dress are you designing for me?"...because in her little 4 year old mind, it is all for her, she isn't aware of websites and customers...

About this same time, our 10 year-old niece had a geneology project at school and our family had learned more about who we came from.  We learned from Steve's Mom more details about Nelly Madison, and her pioneer girl story.  Her story of strength and resilience was inspiring to me at this exact time because I was feeling unsure about what was coming next for me.

So when Caralina asked me to show her the next dress...I was only wrapping up last projects and drawing my last parade print...I had nothing to show her...and...I felt...guilty.

So I took out my sketchbook and I drew her one.

She asked me if she would be able to wear it.  I told her YES.

xo, Camille